How to Stop Being Distracted By Your Phone

In today’s world, our smartphones have become both a blessing and a curse. While they keep us connected and informed, they also contribute to countless hours of lost productivity. Many people find themselves mindlessly scrolling through social media or getting sucked into endless videos. If you’re looking to reclaim your time and focus, this guide is for you.

Why do people get distracted by their phones?

One of the main reasons people get distracted by their phones is the instant gratification they offer. Every notification, like, or comment gives us a small dopamine hit, making us feel good momentarily. This constant reward cycle can lead to addictive behaviors, where we reach for our phones without even thinking.

Moreover, apps are designed to be engaging. Social media platforms, for example, use algorithms that show us content tailored to our interests, making it hard to stop scrolling. The fear of missing out (FOMO) also plays a role. We don’t want to miss updates from friends or trending news, so we keep checking our phones.

Another factor is boredom. When we have a few spare minutes, it’s easy to pull out our phones to pass the time. Over time, this habit can turn into an automatic response, where we reach for our phones even when we’re not bored.

How do I stop mindlessly using my phone?

Breaking the habit of mindless phone use requires a combination of self-awareness and practical strategies. First, it’s important to recognize when and why you reach for your phone. Are you avoiding a task? Are you looking for a distraction? Once you identify the triggers, you can work on addressing them.

Using WallHabit

One effective tool to help you manage your phone use is WallHabit. WallHabit acts as a commitment device with various functions designed to reduce screen time. One of its key features is the “hold to unlock” option, which adds a layer of friction to accessing your apps. Instead of instantly opening an app, you need to hold down the unlock button for a few seconds. This small delay gives you a moment to reconsider whether you really need to open the app.

Another useful feature of WallHabit is its ability to block entire apps. You can put certain apps behind a virtual “wall,” making them harder to access. This is especially helpful for apps that you tend to use mindlessly, like social media or games. By making it more difficult to open these apps, WallHabit helps you break the habit of mindless scrolling.

Disable reels

Short video clips, like those found on Instagram Reels, can be particularly distracting. These quick, entertaining videos are designed to keep you watching one after another. WallHabit allows you to disable these reels, making it easier to stay focused on more important tasks. Without the constant temptation of short videos, you can use your time more productively.

Disable shorts

Similar to reels, YouTube Shorts can also be a major source of distraction. These bite-sized videos are designed to be addictive, keeping you engaged for longer periods. WallHabit gives you the option to disable shorts, helping you avoid falling into the trap of endless video watching. By reducing your exposure to these quick hits of entertainment, you can regain control over your time.

Block entire apps

Sometimes, the best way to reduce distractions is to block certain apps altogether. WallHabit allows you to do just that. You can choose which apps to block and for how long. Whether you want to block social media apps during work hours or games during study time, WallHabit gives you the flexibility to customize your phone usage. This can be particularly effective if you find certain apps are taking up too much of your time.

The benefits of breaking your phone habit

Reducing your phone usage can lead to numerous benefits. First and foremost, you’ll have more time to focus on important tasks. Without the constant interruptions of notifications and mindless scrolling, you can work more efficiently and effectively.

Breaking your phone habit can also improve your mental health. Constant phone use can lead to feelings of anxiety and stress, especially if you’re always checking social media. By reducing your screen time, you can reduce these negative feelings and improve your overall well-being.

Additionally, you’ll have more time for other activities. Instead of spending hours on your phone, you can use that time to read a book, exercise, or spend time with loved ones. These activities can be more fulfilling and rewarding, leading to a happier and more balanced life.


Breaking the habit of mindless phone use is not easy, but it is possible. By understanding why you get distracted and using tools like WallHabit, you can take control of your phone usage. Whether it’s disabling reels and shorts or blocking entire apps, small changes can make a big difference. As you reduce your screen time, you’ll find you have more time and energy for the things that truly matter. So take the first step today and start reclaiming your time.

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