7 Tips to Fix Your Short Attention Span

Do you find it hard to focus on a single task for more than a few minutes? In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get distracted. Whether it’s notifications pinging on your phone, social media feeds begging for attention, or just a busy environment, staying focused can be a real challenge. However, improving your attention span is not impossible. Here are seven practical tips to help you regain your focus and productivity.

Using a Commitment Device

A commitment device is a technique that helps you stick to your goals by adding a layer of accountability. It can be anything from a simple reminder to a more complex app that restricts your access to distractions. The idea is to create an environment where it’s easier to stay focused than to get distracted.

One effective commitment device is an app called WallHabit. This app helps reduce screen time by setting up virtual barriers that make it harder to access distracting apps. For example, with WallHabit, you can set certain apps to be behind a “hold to unlock” feature. This means you have to press and hold a button for a few seconds before you can open the app, giving you a moment to reconsider if you really need to use it.


WallHabit is more than just a screen time reducer; it’s a tool designed to help you build better habits. One of its key features is the ability to block entire apps. If you find yourself endlessly scrolling through social media or getting lost in YouTube shorts and Instagram reels, WallHabit can help. You can set these apps behind a wall, which requires you to actively decide to unlock them. This slight delay can be enough to make you pause and think about whether you really need to open the app.

Moreover, WallHabit offers the option to block specific types of content. For example, you can choose to block only shorts and reels, which are known for being particularly addictive. This way, you can still use the app for other purposes, like messaging or reading posts, without getting sucked into an endless loop of videos. By using these features, you can significantly reduce the amount of time you spend on your phone and increase your overall productivity.

Limiting Multitasking

While it might seem like multitasking is a good way to get more done, it often leads to less productivity. Switching between tasks can break your concentration and make it harder to focus. Instead, try to focus on one task at a time. This practice, known as single-tasking, can help you complete tasks more efficiently and with higher quality.

To start single-tasking, prioritize your tasks and tackle them one by one. Use tools like to-do lists or task management apps to keep track of your progress. When you’re working on a task, eliminate as many distractions as possible. Close unnecessary tabs on your computer, put your phone on do not disturb, and find a quiet place to work. By giving your full attention to one task, you’ll find that you can complete it more quickly and effectively.

Taking Regular Breaks

Taking regular breaks might seem counterintuitive when you’re trying to improve your focus, but it can actually help. Short breaks can give your brain a chance to rest and recharge, making it easier to concentrate when you return to your task. The Pomodoro Technique is a popular method that involves working for 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break. After four sessions, you take a longer break of 15-30 minutes.

During your breaks, do something completely different from your work. Stretch, take a walk, or grab a snack. Avoid activities that can draw you into a different kind of focus, like checking social media or watching TV. The goal is to give your mind a rest, not to switch from one type of mental effort to another. By incorporating regular breaks into your routine, you can maintain a higher level of focus and productivity throughout the day.

Practicing Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of being present and fully engaged in the current moment. It can help improve your focus by training your brain to avoid distractions. There are many ways to practice mindfulness, from meditation to mindful breathing exercises. Even a few minutes a day can make a difference.

To start practicing mindfulness, find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Sit comfortably and focus on your breathing. Notice the sensation of your breath as it enters and leaves your body. If your mind starts to wander, gently bring your attention back to your breath. With regular practice, you’ll find it easier to stay focused and present, even in distracting environments.

Setting Clear Goals

Having clear, specific goals can help improve your focus by giving you something concrete to work towards. Instead of vague goals like “be more productive,” set specific, achievable goals like “finish the first draft of my report by Friday.” Break larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks to make them less overwhelming.

Write down your goals and keep them somewhere visible, like on your desk or computer screen. This will serve as a constant reminder of what you’re working towards. Regularly review your goals and track your progress. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small, to stay motivated and focused.

Creating a Productive Environment

Your environment plays a big role in your ability to focus. A cluttered, noisy space can make it harder to concentrate, while a clean, organized environment can boost your productivity. Take some time to create a workspace that minimizes distractions and maximizes focus.

Start by decluttering your workspace. Remove any items that you don’t need and organize the rest. Make sure you have good lighting and a comfortable chair. If possible, find a quiet place to work, away from noise and interruptions. Use noise-canceling headphones or listen to white noise if you can’t control the noise in your environment. By creating a productive workspace, you’ll find it easier to stay focused and get your work done.


Improving your attention span takes time and effort, but it is possible with the right strategies. Using a commitment device like WallHabit can help reduce screen time and build better habits. Limiting multitasking, taking regular breaks, practicing mindfulness, setting clear goals, and creating a productive environment are all effective ways to boost your focus and productivity. Start implementing these tips today, and you’ll soon notice a difference in your ability to concentrate and get things done.

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