How to Block YouTube

YouTube is one of the most popular platforms on the internet, but it can also be a major distraction. Whether you’re trying to work, study, or simply reduce screen time, blocking YouTube can significantly boost your productivity. In this blog post, we’ll explore why blocking YouTube is beneficial, and how you can effectively block it using app blockers, especially WallHabit.

How Does Blocking YouTube Improve My Productivity?

Blocking YouTube can drastically improve your productivity by removing a major source of distraction. We often turn to YouTube for a quick break, but those breaks can easily turn into hours of wasted time. By blocking YouTube, you can regain control over your time and focus on more important tasks.

When YouTube is accessible, it’s easy to get sucked into the endless stream of content. This platform is designed to keep you engaged, and it’s very effective at doing so. By removing this temptation, you create a work environment that’s more conducive to concentration and productivity.

Another key reason blocking YouTube can enhance productivity is that it reduces multitasking. When you block YouTube, you’re less likely to jump between tasks, which can significantly improve your focus. Single-tasking, or focusing on one task at a time, is proven to be much more effective for productivity.

How the Algorithm Keeps Us Engaged

YouTube’s algorithm is incredibly sophisticated. It’s designed to keep you on the platform for as long as possible by recommending videos based on your interests and viewing habits. This can lead to hours of unplanned watching and a significant drop in productivity.

Related Videos

One of the ways YouTube keeps us engaged is through related videos. After watching a video, YouTube immediately suggests similar content. These recommendations are often irresistible, especially if they’re closely related to your interests. This feature can lead to a rabbit hole of endless videos, making it hard to stop watching.

YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts is another feature designed to keep users engaged. These short, engaging videos are easy to watch and often lead to binge-watching. They are particularly addictive because of their quick, consumable format. Blocking or limiting access to YouTube Shorts can significantly reduce the time you spend on the platform.

How Do I Block YouTube with an App Blocker?

Using an app blocker is an effective way to block YouTube. App blockers can prevent access to the platform entirely, or restrict it during certain times of the day. One of the best tools for this is WallHabit, a commitment device designed to help you reduce screen time.

How to Block YouTube with WallHabit

WallHabit is a versatile app blocker that can help you block YouTube completely. To do this, simply download WallHabit and follow the setup instructions. Once installed, you can block YouTube by adding it to your list of blocked apps. WallHabit will create a virtual wall, preventing you from accessing the app unless you go through a “hold to unlock” feature. This feature requires you to press and hold a button for a certain period, giving you time to reconsider whether you really want to open the app.

If You Don’t Want to Block the Entire App

If blocking YouTube entirely seems too extreme, WallHabit offers other options. You can disable specific features, such as YouTube Shorts or videos under two minutes. This way, you can still use YouTube for educational or professional purposes without the distraction of short, addictive content.

Disable Only Shorts with WallHabit

To disable only YouTube Shorts, go to WallHabit’s settings and select the option to block Shorts. This will prevent the Shorts feed from appearing on your YouTube app, helping you avoid the temptation to watch quick, entertaining videos.

Disable Videos Under 2 Minutes

WallHabit also allows you to disable videos under two minutes. This feature is useful if you find yourself frequently watching short, distracting videos. By blocking these, you can focus on longer, more substantial content that’s likely to be more beneficial.

5 Benefits of Blocking YouTube

  1. Increased Focus: Without the distraction of YouTube, you can focus better on your tasks, whether they are work-related or personal projects.
  2. More Time for Productive Activities: Blocking YouTube frees up time that can be spent on more productive activities, such as reading, exercising, or learning a new skill.
  3. Reduced Screen Time: Limiting access to YouTube helps reduce overall screen time, which is beneficial for your mental and physical health.
  4. Improved Sleep: Watching videos late into the night can disrupt your sleep schedule. Blocking YouTube can help you maintain a healthier sleep routine.
  5. Better Mental Health: Reducing exposure to the often overwhelming and sometimes negative content on YouTube can improve your mental well-being.


Blocking YouTube can have a significant positive impact on your productivity and overall well-being. With tools like WallHabit, you can easily block or limit access to YouTube, helping you to focus on more important tasks. By taking control of your digital habits, you can create a healthier, more productive lifestyle. Whether you choose to block YouTube entirely or just limit certain features, you’ll likely find that you have more time and energy for the things that truly matter.

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